Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Depth of Field

Front Object
f/stop: 4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 200
f/stop: 8 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 400 
f/stop: 18 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 800 

Middle Object
f/stop: 5 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 200
f/stop: 13 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 500
f/stop: 18 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 1000

Back Object
F/stop: 5 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 250
F/stop: 13 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 400 

F/stop: 20 Shutter Speed: 1/8 ISO: 1250

12 Hour Photo Diary

9:30 AM

10:30 AM

 11:30 AM

12:30 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
 6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2014

File Formats

1. JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, HDR
2. The difference between a Raster and a Vector file is when you blow up a Raster image the photo blurs, a Vector file keeps its appearance no matter the size.
1. Lossy 
3. Yes
1. Lossy and Lossles
2.  to print photos, large file images,
3. Yes 
1. Lossless
2. Logos
3. No
1. Lossy
3. Yes

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


1. Eyes is the body part most related to aperture.
2. The smaller the aperture the more blurred, the bigger the aperture the more focused.
3. Aperture impacts depth of field by taking a 2d picture and make it look 3d by adjusting the aperture to what suits the setting.


Lossy Vs. Lossless

Three advantages:
higher in dynamic range, complete data, more control

One disadvantage:
not as sharp

Three advantages of JPEG:
higher in contrast, sharp, able to be manipulated

One disadvantage of JPEG:
lower in dynamic range

1. Retains all the photo
2. Photographers can edit white balance, contrast, highlights, shadows, colors, and saturation.
3. Memory space, not every camera has the option, you cant convert jpeg to raw
4. Photographer would want to work on raw to dive deeper into editing skills.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sunny 16 (Part 4)

Dark Shade
Sunny 16
 no shadow iso: 400 f/stop: 5.6 shutter speed: 1/4
no shadow iso: 800 f/stop: 5.6 shutter speed: 1/4
no shadow iso: 200 f/stop: 5.6 shutter speed: 1/4
Light Meter
no shadow iso: 200 f/stop: 5.6 shutter speed: 1/10

SUNNY 16 (Part 3)

Back Lighting
Sunny 16
 distinct shadow iso:400 f/stop: 16 shutter speed: 1/4
 distinct shadow iso:800 f/stop: 16 shutter speed: 1/4
 distinct shadow iso: 200 f/stop: 16 shutter speed: 1/4
Light Meter
distinct shadow iso:200 f/stop: 16 shutter speed: 1/13

SUNNY 16 (Part 2)

Side Lighting
Sunny 16
 soft shadow iso:400 f/stop: 11 shutter speed: 1/4
 soft shadow iso: 800 f/stop: 11 shutter speed: 1/4
 soft shadow iso: 200 f/stop: 11 shutter speed: 1/4
Light Meter
soft shadow iso: 200  f/stop: 11 shutter speed: 1/80

SUNNY 16 part 1

Front Lighting

Sunny 16
distinct shadow iso:400 f/stop: 16 shutter speed: 1/4 
distinct shadow iso:800 f/stop:  16 shutter speed: 1/4

distinct shadow iso: 200 f/stop 16 shutterspeed: 1/4
Light Meter

distinct shadow iso:200 f/stop 16 sutter speed:1/6