Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Portrait Lighting

Fill light- lightens shadows in a picture without affecting the main subject
Main light- the sun
Hair light-a light that enhances the hair 
Background lighting- light behind the main subject to make contrast between subject and background
Shadowless lighting- white background
Butterfly- light pointed at subject straight on
Loop- loop shaped light under nose. Light is placed on a side of the subject.
Split- light at same height of object and to the side for an intense look
Rembrandt- light placed high and to the side of the subject
Grey Card- used to reflect light to give off a perfect exposure.
Hard Light vs. Soft Light- hard light has more shadows than soft light. It is more detailed and sharp. Soft light is blurry.
3:1 lighting ratio- 1 f-stop difference between main light and fill light 
Inverse square law of light- an object that is twice the distance from the light source has a quarter of the illumination.
1. If you are using lighting, set up your main lighting source before posing and face the subject towards the light for thin, narrow faces and away from the main light for broader faces.
2. When creating a three-quarter length pose, angle the subject's body on at least a 45-degree angle.
3. Pay attention to details such as the placement of hands and feet.
4. Make sure that subjects who are wearing glasses are seated at an angle to light sources.
5. Adjust the subject so that his body is on a 45-degree or more angle to the camera.

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