Tuesday, November 10, 2015




  1. like:
    i like the portraits
    the about me tab is nice
    i liked the home photos

    i wish all the photos had watermarks
    i want to see more photos in the tabs
    theres no pricing tab

  2. The about me tab is really beautiful
    I like that you have a domain name, its very professional
    I love the home page

    I wish you had more photos
    theres no pricing
    website is a little too simple

  3. I like the about me photo you chose. I like that you made your own domain name. I like the photos that you chose.
    I think you should add more photos in each category. I think you should add a pricing. I think You should make your website more out standing than simple.

  4. * I like how your home page slideshow transitions
    *Good selection of photos that show talent.
    *I like the quote at the end of your about me tab
    *I think some of your photos are titled and some aren't, maybe just put something up on the ones that aren't labeled.
    *Change the copy right at the bottom of the page to your name
    *Put some more photos under the editorial tab
