Tuesday, November 18, 2014


2.     Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). The website gave pictures of superheroes with the same back drop and lighting fixtures.

3.     What did you learn new?
I learned that shadow can illustrate nobility.

4.     If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

5.     If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.     Why did you pick this photo? I like the simplicity and detail of it.
b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo? Balance
c.     Who took the photo? Sacha Goldberger

6.     If you did a tutorial on the website, post the item you created on your blog. Remember that blogger only takes certain types of photos, if you can convert it to a .jpeg that would be ideal.

7.     If you did a tutorial please answer the following questions:
a.     What did you learn new today?
b.     How can you use this in my class later?
c.     Did this expand your knowledge of an Adobe computer program? If so tell me the program’s name is.

8.     If you looked at a video, please do the following:
a.     Describe what you saw in the video.
b.     Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them.
c.     If there is a story about the video on the website, paraphrase it in 2-3 sentences.
d.     What did you learn new?

9.     If you were directed to a site that you cannot answer any of the questions above, please do the following:
a.     What did you see on the website, describe it in 2-3 sentences?
b.     What did you learn?
c.     How did the site relate to photography?

2.     Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website).
The website is about a photographer's son learning how to take photos at a young age. The site has photos of the little boy's work. The father hopes the son's exposure to photography will expand in time.

3.     What did you learn new?
Starting photography at a young age is beneficial and feedback from others is always important.

6.     If you did a tutorial on the website, post the item you created on your blog. Remember that blogger only takes certain types of photos, if you can convert it to a .jpeg that would be ideal.

9.     If you were directed to a site that you cannot answer any of the questions above, please do the following:
a.     What did you see on the website, describe it in 2-3 sentences?
I saw blocked images. I saw quotes from real people. I saw an anecdote.
b.     What did you learn? refer to #3
c.     How did the site relate to photography? The site related to photography through the showing and talking of Huey's work.

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