Friday, November 14, 2014


1. A fish eye or wide-angle lens (and focal length) is ideal for this genre as it enables photographers to frame the entire building within its environment.
2. Reflections add an extra dimension to architectural images and allow the photographer to create a canvas on which the building can be playfully distorted.
3. Give old buildings some space.
I like this photo because, its unique and electrifying. It makes me feel energized. The use of light in this photo is great! The architecture captured by the buildings is precise and very detailed. This photo was taken during the night. The light is coming from cars and building office lights. There is enough light to capture the right vibe for this photo. I would slow my shutter speed to capture anything close to this. The photographer is above the subject. Maybe the photographer is at the top of another building looking over at the subject. You can use the rules of composition for architecture, it all depends on what you're wanting the photo to look like.

 I like this photo because of its natural light and symmetry. Its a typical picture and has beauty without major editing. The light is coming from behind him. This was shot earlier in the day, maybe before lunch. The lighting is good enough for me. The photographer is on ground level looking up at the subject. The entire subject is basically in the photo. I think this is the perfect angle because you get a clear view of the arks in detail. This photo compliments the rules of composition when it comes to the symmetry of the building captured.

I like this photo because it screams originality  and is something so unlike other architecture photos. This photo brings a smile to my face and has a light happy vibe. The light is coming from the east side of the photo. It is natural light from the sun. It was probably shot in the late afternoon. This photo could use a little more light. The photo was taken straight forward at this subject. The whole subject is present in the photo. I do not think there is an other angle that would suit the subject better. This photo also applies to the traditional rules with symmetry with the object.

I like this photo because it really highlights culture. This photo shows significant details in the carvings of the building. Its a beautiful photograph. The light is coming from the back of the photographer. This was taken most likely mid day to late afternoon. The lighting is good enough. The photo was taken on ground level but straight forward. There is a balanced composition in the photo and symmetry.

The driscoll hotel, frost bank, 360 bridge, Alamo hotels,The Capital

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